logotipo u-c

A rational approach on the UMMO subject

D792-2 OEMMIWOA Embodiments driving cosmic evolution (OYAGAWOA - Jesus).




Jesús Y Ummowoa son dos ejemplos importantes para sus hermanos y los nuestros, de organismos de OEMMIIWOA . Jesus And Ummowoa are two important examples for their brothers and ours, OEMMIIWOA agencies. En otros Astros fríos de hominización no temprana, hemos acusado la aparición de otros tantos OEMMIIWOA. In other Astros hominization no early cold, we have charged the emergence of so many OEMMIIWOA.


En civilizaciones muy avanzadas, donde aún no ha surgido uno de estos saltos cuánticos cerebrales, se ha elaborado ya el modelo cosmobiológico que hace posible el fenómeno, y se espera con expectación científica el acontecimiento. In very advanced civilizations, which has yet to emerge one of these quantum leaps in the brain, has been issued cosmobiológico model makes possible the phenomenon, and looks forward to the scientific event.


No existe ninguna presunción por la cual tal mutación cerebral, se rija por una ley que haga predecible el fenómeno . There is no presumption that such a mutation brain is governed by a law which makes predictable phenomenon. Parece que; como ocurre en los otros saltos cuánticos de la estructura nerviosa, este surge por azar, aunque regulado desde BB It seems that, as with the other quantum leaps of the nerve structure, it arises by chance, although regulated from BB


Como prueba de aleatoriedad, nos encontramos con que uno de estos organismos surge en momentos dispares de la civilización. As a test of randomness, we find that one of these agencies comes at a time different from civilization. Jesús nace en el entorno de una sociedad aún poco desarrollada culturalmente, impregnada de ideas irracionales y mágicas, lejos aún de la era científica. Jesus is born in the context of a culturally underdeveloped society still steeped in irrational ideas and magic was still far from scientific.


En UMMO, nuestro OEMMIIWOA (UMMOWOA) nace en una Red Social mucho más vieja, donde se desarrolla una Ciencia y Tecnología equiparable a la observada en Tierra entre los siglos XIX y XX, en otros Astros vigilados por nuestras naves, su aparición fue mucho más temprana, cuando sus habitantes vivían albergándose bajo especies vegetales arbóreas. In Ummo our OEMMIIWOA (UMMOWOA) arises in a much older Social Network, where he developed a Science and Technology comparable to that seen in Land Between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, other Astros watched by our ships, his appearance was much more early, when its inhabitants were sheltering under trees plants.


Como prueba de que BB ejerce algún sistema de control por realimentación, observamos que una vez ha surgido un OEMMIIWOA, el fenómeno no se reproduce en millones de años venideros . As proof that BB exerts a feedback control system, we note that once OEMMIIWOA has emerged, the phenomenon is not reproduced in millions of years to come. Sabemos que un mecanismo de retroalimentación (cuya naturaleza exacta aún desconocemos), activa al BB y éste no permite luego ninguna otra mutación en mucho tiempo . We know that a feedback mechanism (whose exact nature is still unknown), check the BB and then it does not allow any other mutation in a long time.


Es como si una planta exótica naciera de repente en un jardín, y ésta expeliese una sustancia contaminante que impidiera fructificar a sus propios congéneres. It's like an exotic plant suddenly born in a garden, and she expels a pollutant which would prevent their fellows bear fruit.


Mientras tanto, el resto de los cerebros, aún en nivel cuántico anterior (hominizados), sigue evolucionando y perfeccionándose. Meanwhile, the rest of the brain, even before the quantum level (hominized) continues to evolve and improve. Transcurren muchos millones de años más, y de repente, como si ese mecanismo reactivo inhibidor hubiera cesado su acción , surgen en la Red Social millares de mutaciones OIXIOOWOA . They pass many millions of years, and suddenly, as if the inhibitor reactive mechanism had stopped their action, arising in the Social Network OIXIOOWOA thousands of mutations. Los OEMII que aún quedan, pronto se habitúan a convivir con unos congéneres superiores, que no mueren , sino que desaparecen en el espacio . The remaining OEMII soon become accustomed to living with a fellow senior, who did not die, but disappear in space. Son dos especies distintas de organismos inferiores, viviendo en simbiosis, no con otra raza, sino con otra especie superior. They are two different species of lower organisms living in symbiosis with no other race, but with other higher species. Pronto, la vieja familia de OEMII se extingue por reducción, mientras los nuevos seres, que siguen unas pautas éticas sublimes, formando una estructura social perfecta, duran poco tiempo, pues su ASNEIIBIAEDOO (Absorción del BB o desaparición) va diezmando a esa maravillosa Red Social, hasta que desaparece del Astro frío. Soon, the old family OEMII reduction extinguished, while new beings, who follow ethical guidelines sublime, creating a perfect social structure, are short lived, as their ASNEIIBIAEDOO (BB absorption or disappearance) is decimating the wonderful Red Social Astro until the cold disappears. Es la “muerte natural” de una vieja humanidad planetaria . [ 13 ] It is the natural death of an old planetary humanity. [13]



Un acontecimiento cosmobiofísico, cuya rareza entre otros fenómenos naturales acabamos de definir, es lógico que cree extrañeza y asombro entre los coetáneos de ese organismo singular. A cosmobiofísico event whose rarity among other natural phenomena just defined, it is logical to create wonder and amazement among the peers of this singular body.


Su anatomía externa es similar a la de los OEMII, por lo que es calificado como “hombre”. Their external anatomy is similar to that of OEMII, so it is described as "man". (Ya hemos visto que taxonómicamente en el marco de las distintas especies biológicas, su estructura ha de ser clasificada aparte). (We have seen that taxonomically under different biological species, the structure has to be classified separately).


Su inteligencia es muy superior a la media, debido al desarrollo del cortex frontal . Ello le convierte en líder , su poder de persuasión, de radiación afectiva, de captación de voluntades, es lógicamente superior, por lo que su información verbal es recogida con profundo respeto, y difundida. His intelligence is above average, due to the development of the frontal cortex. This makes him a leader, his power of persuasion of affective radiation, catchment of wills, is logically higher, so your information is collected with great verbal respect and disseminated.


Las pautas de conducta son inevitablemente impecables. The patterns of behavior are inevitably impeccable. No olvidemos que un ser de estas características, no sólo alcanza elevadísimo nivel de concienciación, sino que una cadena, nueva de átomos de Kriptón le transfiere directamente unos patrones de ordenación, a partir del mismo polo cosmológico de información: WOA . Do not forget that such a being, not only achieves high level of awareness, but a chain, new krypton atoms was transferred directly patterns of organization, from the same pole cosmological information: WOA. Aunque su libre albedrío alcanza un valor cercano al porcentaje del ciento por ciento, es casi imprevisible que adopte conductas que violen las mismas UAA, que tan diáfanamente están engramadas en su inconsciente, y que afloran fácilmente a la consciencia. Although free will reaches a value close to one hundred percent rate is almost unpredictable adopt the same conduct that violates UAA, which are so transparently engrams her unconscious, and easily emerge into consciousness.


En un entorno a veces casi corrompido, en que sus vidas se desenvuelven, la fama de su moralidad intachable, se expande con gran facilidad. Naturalmente, los poderes establecidos captan el peligro que supone para ellos un líder cuya capacidad de arrastrar a las masas, se volvería probablemente contra sus intereses . In an environment at times almost corrupted, in which their lives unfold, the reputation of unimpeachable morals, spreads very easily. Naturally, the powers that capture the danger posed to them a leader whose ability to draw the masses, would likely be against their interests.


Y esto es lo que ocurrió precisamente en nuestros respectivos Astros fríos, aunque en ámbitos históricos dispares. And this is precisely what happened in our respective Astros cold, but in different historical areas. UMMOWOA es mandado encarcelar por una niña cruel y déspota. UMMOWOA is sent to prison for a girl cruel and despotic. Sus apresores se disponen a realizar experiencias biológicas con su cuerpo. His captors are about to perform biological experiments with her body. Los primeros relatos distorsionados, seguramente, hablan de que su cuerpo “desapareció” en el instante de su muerte. The first reports distorted surely talk about your body "disappeared" at the moment of his death. Es inútil especular sobre si ASNEIIBIAEDOO (mutación por efecto frontera), se desarrolló antes o no de su óbito. Esto ocurre en el instante en que el grado de concienciación, a causa de un intensísimo cuadro distímico o emocional que perturba al sistema límbico, hace peligrar al WAAM-WAAM [ 9 ] It is useless to speculate whether ASNEIIBIAEDOO (mutation border effect), was developed before their demise or not. This occurs at the instant the awareness, because of an intense dysthymic box or disturbs the emotional limbic system, makes jeopardized WAAM-WAAM [9]


Podemos imaginar la impresión que causaría en aquellos biólogos corrompidos. We can imagine the impression it in those biologists corrupt. Era una época de desarrollo científico racionalista en el que no había cabida alguna para ideas de carácter mágico, y por tanto el concepto milagro, era desconocido para mentes lógicas. It was an age of scientific rationalism in which there was room for some magical ideas, and therefore the concept miracle, was unknown to logical minds. Naturalmente, la noción de de que un objeto másico, pueda desaparecer repentinamente de la vista, sólo podría explicarse en un primer momento, por un escasamente creíble fenómeno de alucinación, colectiva. Naturally, the notion that an object mass, may suddenly disappear from view, only be explained at first, for a hallucinatory phenomenon scarcely credible, collectively.


Una consideración posterior del curso de los hechos, y un examen de la doctrina difundida por ese extraño OEMII, obligó a todos a reconsiderar la explicación. A further consideration in the course of events, and an examination of the doctrine spread by this strange OEMII, forced everyone to reconsider the explanation. Aunque la noción que se tenía de WOA, no era tan mítica como la que teólogos de OYAGAA sustentan, la idea de un “ser divino”, había prendido en muchos cerebros . While the notion they had of WOA was not as mythical as that OYAGAA theologians support the idea of a "divine being", had been kindled in many minds. Aquello parecía una prueba directa de la intervención de un Ser Supremo, y esta Fe contribuyó a la difusión de unas UAA, por otra parte imprescindibles para el funcionamiento de una Red Social. [ 10 ] That seemed a direct test of the intervention of a Supreme Being, and that Fe contributed to the dissemination of good UAA, moreover indispensable for the functioning of a social network. [10]


Observen ustedes como BB en una maniobra que podríamos calificar de “genial”, se vale de unos mecanismos psicosociales de exaltación sugestiva, para cumplir su fin último. Look at you and BB in a move that could qualify as "great", uses psychosocial mechanisms suggestive of exaltation, to fulfill their ultimate purpose.


Naturalmente, cuando vinimos a OYAGAA; mis hermanos, una vez superadas las barreras idiomáticas, y cuando pudieron orientarse mediante esquemas más y más diáfanos en torno a su acervo cultural, focalizaron inmediatamente la figura extraña de Jesús de Galilea. Naturally, when we came to OYAGAA, my brothers, once the language barriers, and when they could be guided by more and more airy schemes about its cultural heritage, focusing immediately strange figure of Jesus of Galilee. Por supuesto, les había llamado la atención otros hermanos suyos, generadores de religiones, algunas como la hinduista, con mayor riqueza filosófico-doctrinal que la cristiana. Of course, I had noticed his other brothers, generators religions, some as the Hindu philosophical and more wealth than the Christian doctrine. Fue muy importante para nosotros el estudio de Sócrates, de Buda, de Confucio, de Mahoma. It was very important for us to study Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed. El paralelismo con UMMOWOA en Jesús, era impresionante, tras una primera lectura de los textos del Nuevo Testamento. UMMOWOA The parallel with Jesus, was impressive, after a first reading of the texts of the New Testament.


Pero existían elementos histórico-sociales que no encajaban. But there were social and historical elements that did not fit. La vida de Jesús aparecía en el contexto de esos libros, plagada de contradicciones y errores históricos. The life of Jesus appeared in the context of these books, full of contradictions and historical errors. Por otra parte, era imposible encontrar en el reducido conjunto de historiadores de esa época, alusiones a la imagen vivencial de Jesús de Galilea. Moreover, it was impossible to find in the small group of historians of the time, allusions to the existential image of Jesus of Galilee. Pronto descubrimos también, que la breve cita sobre Cristo del historiados Josefo, es una descarada interpolación realizada, en copias posteriores, por los mismos fanáticos cristianos. We soon discovered also that the brief quote from the historian Josephus about Christ, is a blatant interpolation made in later copies, by the same fanatical Christians. Josefo, ignoraba o despreciaba a esta figura judía. Josephus, ignored or despised the Jewish figure.


Tres de mis hermanos, OAROO 4 hijo de YUIXII 48, YUU 1 hija de AIM 368 y ADAA 66 h. Three of my brothers, OAROO 4 son YUIXII 48, YUU 1 daughter of AIM 368 and ADAA 66 hours de ADAA 65, viajan a Israel y Egipto y luego a Jordania, para captar información. of ADAA 65, traveling to Israel and Egypt and then Jordan, to capture information.


Con técnicas UWOOLOO, pudieron localizar y desenterrar importantísimos documentos plasmados en rollos metálicos e inscripciones sobre piedra y arcilla, que junto a otra información arqueológica recuperada por ustedes, nos ha permitido reconstruir parte de esta apasionante etapa de la Historia de ustedes. UWOOLOO techniques, were able to locate and dig up important documents captured in metal scrolls and inscriptions on stone and clay, which along with other archaeological data recovered by you, has enabled us to reconstruct part of this exciting stage of your story. (Los documentos arqueológicos captados en OYAGAA, obran en nuestro poder en UMMO . Los devolveremos a OYAGAA en futura etapa de la evolución cultural de ustedes ). (The documents collected in archaeological OYAGAA, in our possession in Ummo. OYAGAA The refund on a future stage of cultural evolution from you).


Jesús nace en Galilea (no en Belén; sino a unos doce kilómetros del emplazamiento de la posterior localidad de Nazareth ), en el año ocho de la Era, llamada por ustedes, Cristiana (no por tanto en el año primero -año cero-). Jesus was born in Galilee (not in Bethlehem, but a dozen miles from the site of the later town of Nazareth), in year eight of the Age, called by you, Christian (not so in the first year-year zero-) .


Sus padres eran pastores nómadas (trashumantes), y su lugar de nacimiento fue una modesta tienda. His parents were pastoralists (nomadic), and his birthplace was a modest shop. (Ha sido imposible determinar el lugar exacto de aquella acampada). (It was impossible to determine the exact location of that camp). Jesús tenía, en el momento de su nacimiento, dos hermanos y una hermana. Jesus had at the time of his birth, two brothers and a sister. Posteriormente nació un hermano más. Then came a brother.


A partir de aquí, el relato neotestamentario aparece plagado de groseros errores , de adiciones pseudo históricas posteriores . From here, the New Testament account is riddled with gross errors, pseudo later historic additions. Sobre este fondo; en ocasiones con cierto rigor histórico, destaca aunque algo distorsionada la doctrina de Jesús, dictada por su subconsciente. [ 11 ] Against this background, sometimes with some historical accuracy, although somewhat distorted emphasizes the teaching of Jesus, dictated by his subconscious. [11]


Jesús no funda ninguna Iglesia . Jesus did not found any church. El relato relativo a la creación del papado con el apóstol Pedro, como primer Pontífice, y las variadas alusiones a una congregación de Fíeles, es también fruto de adiciones posteriores. The story concerning the establishment of the papacy with the apostle Peter as first Pope, and the varied allusions to a congregation, is a result of later additions. Términos hebreos como qahal, y el griego ekklesia, se prodigan después, injertándolos en los escritos más antiguos. Hebrew terms as qahal, and the Greek ekklesia, is lavished then grafted on the older writings.


El mito de la muerte, tiene como origen una falsa interpretación del martirio de Jesús. Es totalmente cierto que este OEMMIIWOA es sometido al tormento de la crucifixión , aunque también las crónicas neotestamentarias, sobre la persecución de Jesús, están sensiblemente deformadas hasta convertirse en una leyenda, pero Jesús no muere . The myth of death, has its origin in a misinterpretation of the martyrdom of Jesus. It is quite true that this is subject to OEMMIIWOA torment of the crucifixion, but also chronicles New Testament, on the persecution of Jesus, are significantly distorted into a legend, but Jesus did not die. Sus seguidores consiguen rescatar su cuerpo casi inanimado, aunque hacen correr la especie de su muerte [ 14 ] para evitar una ulterior persecución . His followers manage to rescue his almost lifeless body, but spread the kind of death [14] to avoid further persecution. Curan sus heridas y el líder religioso, una vez restablecido, reanuda su actividad doctrinal . Heal their wounds and religious leader, once restored, he resumed his activity doctrine. Poco después, se produciría el ASNEEIIBIAEDOO (Desaparición) ante sus asombrados discípulos. Soon after, he would produce the ASNEEIIBIAEDOO (disappearance) to his astonished disciples. El relato de este hecho fue luego deformándose, interpretándolo como “Ascensión al Cielo”. The story of this was then deformed, interpreting it as "Ascension to Heaven." El fenómeno no debió resultar tan asombroso a unos fanatizados humanos convencidos de la Divinidad de su Maestro. The phenomenon should not be so amazing about human fanatics convinced his Master of Divinity.


Hemos comprobado que el lienzo conservado en Turín, envolvió el cuerpo de Jesús. We realized that the painting remained in Turin, wrapped the body of Jesus. Les recomendamos un estudio más profundo de este resto histórico. We recommend further study of this remnant of history. La tesis vaporigráfica, tras la impregnación del tejido por las sustancias fitoterapéuticas con que los curanderos-sanadores impregnaron el cuerpo de Jesús para aliviar sus heridas, explica la imprimación de la imagen. La tesis que algunos hermanos suyos han emitido acerca de una hipotética radiación misteriosa, es totalmente absurda y anticientífica . The thesis vaporigráfica after the impregnation of the tissue by substances Phytotherapeutic with healers-healers that permeated the body of Jesus to soothe their wounds, the primer explains the image. The argument that some of his brothers have issued about a hypothetical mysterious radiation , is totally absurd and unscientific. La túnica, fue conservada por un campesino llamado ISMAHI, que asistió a la desaparición “milagrosa” del Maestro galileo. The tunic, was kept by a peasant named ISMAHI, who attended the disappearance "miracle" of the Galilean Teacher.


Es importante reseñar, que al contrario que en nuestra Historia de UMMOWOA, el número de personas que contempló el portentoso hecho de su “desaparición”, fue enorme. It is important to note, that unlike in our history UMMOWOA, the number of people who watched the wonderful fact of their "disappearance" was enormous. Posiblemente, por los documentos que hemos localizado; entre doscientas y quinientas personas. Potentially, we have located documents, between two and five hundred people. Si la versión dada al principio por unos pocos biólogos, fue calificada como psiconosológica, por los que escucharon el relato, aunque una investigación policial restituyó la veracidad del fenómeno, aquí docenas de pastores, campesinos y pescadores, se lanzaron llenos de fanatismo exaltado a narrar con místico entusiasmo lo que habían visto con sus propios ojos. [ 15 ] If the version given at the beginning by a few biologists, psiconosológica was rated by those who heard the story, but a police investigation returned the veracity of the phenomenon, here dozens of shepherds, farmers and fishermen, were launched full of exalted fanaticism to narrate with mystical enthusiasm that had seen with their own eyes. [15]


Inmediatamente se gesta una secta cristiana que adquiere un auge inusitado, desde el año treinta y ocho (Era Occidental), hasta el año 129 al 133. Immediately gestates a Christian sect that takes an unusual, since thirty-eight (Era West) until the year 129 to 133. Durante este periodo, los testigos del suceso, sus hijos y otros exaltados adeptos, enfrentados a las doctrinas imperantes en Israel, se lanzan a una campaña mesiánica, para exponer ya algo deformada, la doctrina ética de Jesús. During this period, the witnesses of the event, their children and other excited fans, faced with the doctrines prevailing in Israel, Messianic launched a campaign to expose and somewhat distorted, the ethical teaching of Jesus.


A partir de estas fechas, se observan las primeras escisiones, la formación de sectas, la gestación -ideada por los líderes más ambiciosos- de una congregación EKKLESIA, surge con fuerza. From these dates, we look at the first split, the formation of sects, pregnancy-designed by ambitious leaders of a congregation EKKLESIA-emerges strongly.


Jesús en vida, había frecuentado la amistad con personas relevantes que lideraban las asambleas o sinagogas. Jesus in his life, had attended the friendship with relevant people who led assemblies or synagogues. No olviden que en Judea, los prohombres más adinerados estaban integrados en la casta sacerdotal; es decir, los jerarcas del Sumo Sacerdocio del Templo. Do not forget that in Judea, the very wealthy notables were integrated into the priesthood, ie the hierarchy of the High Priest of the Temple. El flujo dinerario era inmenso, procedente de donativos de los judíos y de los impuestos religiosos. The money-flow was huge, coming from donations from Jews and religious taxes. De este modo, el Sanedrín contaba con un poder secreto que se extendía a todos los ámbitos de Judea. Thus, the council had a secret power that extended to all areas of Judea.


Algunos de estos prohombres se habían convertido en seguidores secretos de Jesús y pudieron asistir al prodigio de su “desaparición”. Some of these great men had become followers of Jesus and secrets could attend the wonder of his "disappearance". Ellos manipularon con sus cuantiosos bienes económicos, la gestación de tales sectas , ya través de sus hijos y nietos. They manipulated with considerable economic assets, the creation of such sects, and through their children and grandchildren.


En principio surgen dos grupos importantes. In principle there are two major groups. Uno, procedente de sectores judíos (minoritarios), y otros de Redes Sociales palestinas (aunque en cierto modo vinculadas también al judaísmo). One, from Jewish sectors (minority), and other Social Networks Palestinian (though also somewhat related to Judaism). Nace también un grupo esenio, que distorsiona fuertemente la doctrina. Nace also an Essene group, which strongly distorts the doctrine. Un papel relevante en fechas posteriores, lo tuvieron los descendientes de una secta que abrazó una forma de vida monástica, formada por algunos amigos de Jesús y que vivían en cuevas, cerca de Jerusalem. An important role at a later date, what were the descendants of a sect that embraced a monastic lifestyle, formed by some friends of Jesus and who lived in caves near Jerusalem.


Las discrepancias sobre el significado de las ideas de Jesús, se hacen cada vez más tensas. Disagreements over the meaning of the ideas of Jesus, become increasingly strained. Tan sólo un recuerdo común, unía a aquellos hombres: Sus padres o abuelos habían visto el prodigioso “milagro” de un Maestro divino, que “se hizo repentinamente transparente”. Just a shared remembrance, linked to those men: Their parents or grandparents had seen the amazing miracle of a divine Teacher, who "suddenly became transparent."


El germen de la idea eclesial aparece precisamente, reconducido por grupo monacal de Jerusalem, fuertemente jerarquizado. The germ of the idea is precisely the Church, extended by a monastic group of Jerusalem, strongly hierarchical. Entre ellos había antiguos discípulos de otro OEMMII histórico (aunque también su historia está deformada) JUAN EL BAUTIZADOR. [ 16 ] Among them were former students of other historical OEMMII (though its history is distorted) John the Baptist. [16]

Esto s discípulos mixtos, imponen el llamado sacramento del Bautismo. This mixed s disciples, imposes the so-called sacrament of baptism. Es esta misma secta la que crea el mito de los doce apóstoles. It is this same sect that creates the myth of the twelve apostles. No porque ellos no existieran, en realidad esos apóstoles eran algunos más de los seguidores de Jesús, mas al adscribirse al grupo de anacoretas, se arrogaron un protagonismo que no tuvieron en realidad. Not because they did not exist in reality these apostles were some more of the followers of Jesus, but to be ascribed to the group of hermits, arrogated to themselves that they did not have a central role in reality. Ellos serían los SHELIHIM. They would be the SHELIHIM. Los líderes de la nueva congregación jerarquizada. The leaders of the new congregation hierarchical.


Alrededor de Esteban, uno de los líderes de otra secta, los llamados helenistas; se aglutinan judíos muy cultos que abrazan la doctrina ya muy adulterada de Jesús. About Esteban, a leader of another sect, known as Hellenists; clump highly educated Jews who embrace the doctrine of Jesus as too tainted. El conflicto entre estos y el viejo grupo monacal, se hace muy grave. The conflict between these and the old monastic group, it becomes very serious. Los primeros partían del principio de que era necesario sufrir persecución y martirio, como Jesús. The first were based on the principle that it was necessary to suffer persecution and martyrdom, like Jesus. Su dialéctica era más rica, eran hombres más inteligentes que los monacales. His dialectic was richer, men were more intelligent than the monastic. Los zelotas tuvieron con ellos agrias disputas que degeneraron en reyertas sangrientas. The zealots had with them bitter disputes that erupted into bloody brawls. Esteban fue bárbaramente asesinado. Stephen was brutally murdered. Le extirparon en vida los genitales, le arrancaron los ojos y le abrieron el abdomen. They removed his genitals in his lifetime, he tore his eyes and opened her abdomen. Luego, la versión de los restantes sectarios fue que Esteban había sido simplemente ejecutado. Then the remaining sectarian version was that Stephen had been simply executed. El resto de los partidarios huyó hacia Samaria. The rest of the supporters fled to Samaria.


Los Helenistas siguieron expandiéndose por el litoral Mediterráneo, por Siria, Fenicia . The Hellenists continued to spread to the Mediterranean coast, Syria, Phoenician. Se forman congregaciones eclesiales siguiendo esta línea teológica, compitiendo con el esfuerzo de los monacales que en principio habían sido capitaneados por los “doce” apóstoles . Church congregations are formed along these lines theological, competing with the efforts of the monk who had initially been led by the "twelve" apostles.


Sobresalía, en la persecución de los helenistas, un oscuro OEMII llamado Pablo de Tarse. He excelled in the persecution of the Hellenists, a dark OEMII named Paul of Tarsus. En principio había estado adherido a los Zelotas. In principle had been adhered to the Zealots. Luego los traicionó y estos juraron matarlo. He betrayed them and they swore to kill him. Un helenista llamado THAIS, le inició en los misterios de la doctrina de Jesús. A Hellenistic called THAIS, initiated him into the mysteries of the doctrine of Jesus. THAIS había asistido también a la “desaparición o ascensión al Cielo”. THAIS had also attended the "disappearance or ascent to heaven." Tras su integración en el grupo, viaja a Siria para crear nuevos grupos, nuevas Iglesias. Following its integration into the group, travels to Syria to create new groups, new churches.


En estas comunidades se potenciaba un intenso respeto a la libertad de los adeptos. These communities foster a deep respect for freedom of the followers. Son desconocidas la jerarquización rígida y las normas severas que han de regir en siglos posteriores las comunidades más esclerotizadas. Are unknown the rigid hierarchy and rigid standards to govern the community in later centuries more sclerotic. Se exhorta a los fieles a regular sus actos en función de la divina enseñanza de Jesús, para que no viole gravemente el derecho de los seres más débiles. It exhorts the faithful to regulate their actions according to the divine teachings of Jesus, so they do not seriously violate the rights of weaker beings. Aquí la verdadera UAA, surge con toda su pureza. Here the real UAA, emerges in all its purity.


Hacia el año 49, los zelotas provocan graves disturbios en Jerusalem. Around 49, the Zealots cause serious disturbances in Jerusalem. El origen de la revuelta hay que centrarlo en que una mujer joven zelota, una tal “DHIFA o DIVA”, fue bárbaramente violada por un soldado de Roma. The origin of the revolt has to focus on a young woman zealot, a certain "DHIFA or DIVA", was brutally raped by a soldier of Rome. La rebelión se extiende por toda Palestina. The rebellion spread throughout Palestine. Roma sofoca a los rebeldes, ocupando al fin Jerusalem y destruyendo el Templo. Rome smothers the rebels, finally occupying Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple. Las sectas cristianas se ven gravemente afectadas en esta época. Christian sects are seriously affected at this time.


Posteriormente muere Santiago, y la secta de Jerusalem se dispersa. Santiago later dies, and the sect of Jerusalem dispersed. Hacia el año 72, esta ha sufrido un notable descenso de su vieja influencia. By the year 72, this has been a marked decline of its old influence.


Mientras tanto, los grupos helenísticos van reforzándose. Meanwhile, the Hellenistic groups will be strengthened. Ellos habían escrito el llamado Evangelio según San Marcos, hacia el año 52 , y lo expanden con rapidez. They had written called Gospel according to St. Mark, circa 52, and rapidly expanding. Por su parte, un palestino exilado llamado NAUR , escribe el Apocalipsis “según San Juan” en el año 79 . Meanwhile, a Palestinian exile called Naur, writes the Apocalypse "of John" in 79. Este hombre odiaba a los judíos y escribe su texto para fomentar el clima social que contra esa raza existía entre los palestinos. This man hated the Jews and enter your text to promote the social climate that existed between that race against the Palestinians.


La llamada Epístola de Santiago, se escribe entre los años 78 y 81 . The so-called Epistle of James, written between 78 and 81. Podemos revelarles que tampoco está escrita por Santiago. We can reveal that is not written by Santiago. Es obra de dos autores, uno de los cuales se llama Daniel, el judío. It is the work of two authors, one of whom was called Daniel, the Jew. Ambos, cristianos que se esfuerzan con su texto, atraer hacia el cristianismo a los judíos dispersos tras la destrucción del Templo de Jerusalem. Both Christians who are struggling with your text, draw to Christianity to the Jews dispersed after the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem.


El Evangelio según San Mateo , es redactado en el año 82 , permanece inédito dos años, y vuelto a escribir corregido en el año 84 por un reducido grupo de jerarcas en una comunidad de Siria, ubicada en Antiochia. The Gospel of Matthew, is written in the year 82, two years remains unpublished, and written again fixed in the year 84 by a small group of dignitaries in a community of Syria, located in Antioch.


La historia del Evangelio de San Juan es más compleja. The story of the Gospel of St. John is more complex. Es precisamente Juan quien relata la agonía de Jesús y su vida, tal como él la conocía a través de versiones adulteradas de otros discípulos de Jesús, v como la ha vivido él mismo, a varios adeptos de la comunidad de Smyrna . Estos recogen los relatos mentalmente y redactan el evangelio , que no dan a conocer sino tras sucesivos retoques posteriores. It's just John who tells the agony of Jesus and his life as he knew through adulterated versions of other disciples of Jesus, the v as he lived, several supporters of the community of Smyrna. They collect the stories mentally and write the gospel, not made known until after successive refinements later. El Evangelio tarda en tomar su forma definitiva dos años y cinco meses. The Gospel takes to make its final two years and five months. Y comienza su texto hacia el año 96 . And he begins his text around the year 96.


Los cristianos en el último periodo del Siglo I, se reunían en las viviendas de los más relevantes líderes de las sectas. Christians in the last period of the first century, gathered in the homes of the most prominent leaders of the sects. Allí celebraban cenas colectivas en recuerdo del Maestro Jesús, donde se leían relatos de su muerte. They held dinners collective memory of the Master Jesus, where he read accounts of his death. Esta costumbre fue ritualizándose, hasta que en el, primer cuarto de Siglo 2° (hacia el año 118), aparece ya conformado como Sacramento de la Eucaristía. This custom was ritualized, until the first quarter of 2nd century (c. AD 118), is already formed as the sacrament of the Eucharist. Los ancianos se encargaban de un culto que para entonces estaba ya ritualizado e incluso codificado en algunas comunidades. The elders were in charge of a cult which by then was already ritualized and even codified in some communities. Los epíscopos, se encargaban de administrar los bienes procedentes de un fondo común de los congregantes. Al final, estos se hicieron con el control de las comunidades . The episcopate, in charge of administering the property from a pool of the congregants. In the end, these were made with community control.


El periodo que media entre los años 170 y 243, se caracteriza por el surgimiento de la institución Iglesia. The period between the years 170 and 243, is characterized by the emergence of the Church institution. Los epíscopos comprenden que es preciso unir a las comunidades dispersas, bajo un control común y una codificación uniforme de la doctrina, que hasta entonces era expuesta de una forma anárquica por cada una de las congregaciones independientes. [ 12 ] The historic episcopate must understand that unite the scattered communities, under common control and a uniform codification of the doctrine, which until then was exposed to a form of anarchy by each of the independent congregations. [12]


Pero no todos los grupos se muestran conformes con esta fusión. But not all groups are shown in accordance with this merger.


En realidad, la llamada Secta cristiana, está escindida en multitud de pequeños grupos algunos de los cuales siguiendo una línea de pensamiento ecléctico , mezclan doctrinas procedentes de la Mitología Romana y Griega, con el Cristianismo ; cuando no se produce una extraña simbiosis de ideas judías, egipcias y cristianas . In fact, the so-called Christian sects, is split into many small groups, some of which follow a line of thought eclectic mix doctrines of Roman and Greek mythology with Christianity, when there occurs a strange symbiosis of Jewish ideas , Egyptian and Christian. El grupo más importante de opositores a la otra línea, es el formado por las escuelas gnósticas . The largest group of opponents to the other line, is formed by the Gnostic schools.


Es otra forma más depurada de entender el Cristianismo. It's another way to understand purer Christianity.


La interpretación oficial falseada de los historiadores de la Iglesia Católica Romana, pone especial énfasis en presentar el conflicto entre dos ideologías. The official interpretation distorted by historians of the Roman Catholic Church places special emphasis on presenting the conflict between two ideologies. Una, la “pura” estaría representada por el CRISTIANISMO en sus orígenes JERUSALEMNIANO Y HELENÍSTICO , el otro por una secta casi pagana, llamada GNOSTICISMO. One, the "pure" would be represented by Christianity in its origins and Hellenistic JERUSALEMNIANO, the other by an almost pagan sect called Gnostics.


La realidad histórica, tal como la hemos valorado con documentos no accesibles para ustedes, es otra. The historical reality, as we have valued the documents are not accessible to you, is another.


Se trata de dos interpretaciones míticas del Cristianismo . Ambas adulteran el mensaje genuino de Jesús, cuyo origen cosmobiológico les hemos expuesto. Jesús sólo quería influido sor su subconsciente engramador de los patrones de comportamiento neguentrópico, enseñar a sus discípulos esos puros elementos de Ética . These two mythical interpretations of Christianity. Both adulterate the genuine message of Jesus, whose origin we have exposed cosmobiológico. Jesus only wanted to influence your subconscious Sister engrams negentropy behavioral patterns, teaching his disciples such pure elements of Ethics.


La mentalidad mágica, las excrecencias ideológicas procedentes de diversas culturas mitológicas y la natural ausencia de rigor en la transmisión de datos por vía oral o escrita, gestaron dos grandes cuerpos de doctrina llamada cristiana: La helenística , más pobre, más influida por la terrible noción de un Jehová vengador y cruel, un Dios protector de la agresiva etnia judía , y la Gnosis con una filosofía más elaborada y lógica, que ve en Jehová a un ente maligno y elabora una idea de Dios mucho más pura . The magical mentality, ideological outgrowths from different cultures, mythological and natural lack of rigor in the data transmission via oral or written, gave birth to two large bodies of doctrine called Christian: The Hellenistic, poorer, more influenced by the terrible notion of an avenging and cruel Lord, a God aggressive protector of Jewish ethnicity, and the Gnosis with a more elaborate philosophy and logic, which sees the Lord to a malignant entity and develops an idea of God much more pure.


La historia posterior, fue un choque brutal entre ambas concepciones . Al final venció la primera , que impuso su concepto de Iglesia y su doctrina. The subsequent history, was a brutal clash between the two conceptions. At the end won the first, who imposed his concept of the Church and its doctrine. Es evidente que si hubiera sucedido a la inversa, ustedes en Occidente, hubieran elaborado una filosofía cristiana, también mitificada y distorsionada, pero más intelectual y con un concepto de la divinidad más conforme a la Ciencia. Clearly, if the reverse had happened, you in the West, have developed a Christian philosophy, also mythologized and distorted, but more intellectual and a concept of God is more consistent with science.


Albacete 8 Enero 1988                                  EOYOO 2 HIJO DE AXII 36 January 8, 1988 EOYOO Albacete 2 Son of AXII 36  


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(Recibida por JB 20 de Enero de 1988) (Received by JB January 20, 1988)
(Abierto el 24 de Enero de 1988) (Open on January 24, 1988)





[9] Aunque la información que nos ha llegado acerca de UMMOWOA es más precisa y fidedigna que la poseída por ustedes acerca de OYAGAAWOA (Jesús), nos resentimos de una importante carencia de datos acerca de su vida, debido en parte a que los sicarios de la joven Jefe de Estado de la época, ordenó destruir casi toda la documentación que pudieron encontrar acerca de aquel excepcional homínido. [9] Although the information that has come about UMMOWOA is more accurate and reliable than that possessed by OYAGAAWOA you about (Jesus), we resent a major lack of data about his life, partly due to the Assassins the young head of state at the time, ordered to destroy almost all the documentation they could find about this unique hominid.


Es preciso aludir a la cruel dictadura de una niña: WIE 1 hija de OOUUA 3. It should refer to the cruel dictatorship of a girl: WIE 1 daughter of OOUUA 3. Con escasa edad, se hace cargo del poder al fallecimiento de su madre IEE 456 hija de NAA 312. With little older, takes charge of power to the death of his mother the daughter of 456 NAA IEEE 312.


Ésta, se había proclamado “reina absoluta de UMMO”, tras dar espantosa muerte a nueve jerarcas, que junto con otros tres representantes, gobernaban sabiamente la Red Social. It had been proclaimed "absolute queen of Ummo" horrible death after giving nine hierarchs, who along with three other representatives, governed wisely Social Network.


Ella era una fanática de la investigación científica. She was a fan of scientific research. Su cultura no era excesiva, pero sentía respetuoso temor y entusiasmo ante el progreso. Their culture was not excessive, but I felt awe and enthusiasm to progress.


En su fastuosa vivienda se rodeó de investigadores e hizo que muchos aposentos fueran destinados a ser convertidos en laboratorios. In her lavish home was surrounded by investigators and made many apartments were destined to be converted into laboratories. Muchas mañanas acudía sigilosamente, sin compañía de sus “policías”, a las estancias excavadas en la roca, y si no veía actividad, ordenaba ejecutar a los científicos y colaboradores responsables. Many mornings he went quietly, without the company of his "police" to the rooms carved into the rock, and if he saw no activity, ordered to execute the responsible scientists and collaborators.


Ella tuvo una brillante aunque distorsionada idea cosmológica, que en parte ha confirmado la Ciencia, aunque en su estructura resulta falaz. She had a brilliant idea though cosmological distorted, partly Science has confirmed, although its structure is fallacious.


Hizo escribir que los creadores del Universo son los OEMMII. He wrote that the creators of the universe are OEMMII. Cuando uno de ellos formula una ley física, la está creando en ese instante. When one makes a physical law, the being created at that instant. No es precisamente así, pero su dogma sirvió mucho después para descubrir la acción modeladora del cerebro pensante sobre WAAM-WAAM. Not exactly so, but long after their dogma served to uncover the shaping action of the thinking brain on WAAM-WAAM.


El Antropoteismo, orientado a creer que la Red Social de UMMO es el mismo Dios creador del Universo, y que en el cuerpo de ella se alberga el encéfalo de WOA. The Antropoteismo geared to believe that the Social Network of Ummo is the same God created the universe, and that her body houses the brain of WOA. Se presentaba al pie de un volcán, subida y sentada entre las ramas de un IXXISOO (especie arbórea muy frondosa), y hacía venir a contemplar su infantil figura a cientos de miles de súbditos, que debían presentarse ante ella desnudos, y con la cabeza y rostro impregnados de eyougii (una sustancia gelatinosa que producía escozor en la epidermis). Stood at the foot of a volcano, rising and sitting among the branches of a IXXISOO (very leafy tree species), and had come to see their child figure to hundreds of thousands of subjects, due to her naked, and his head and impregnated eyougii face (a gelatinous substance that produces itchy skin).


Los sirvientes de su cuerpo, eran todos humanos dedicados a la Ciencia. The servants of his body, were all dedicated to human science. Era un honor ponerle la túnica de color naranja, símbolo de su poder, o introducir en su boca el XUUXU, un largo tubo flexible por el que succionaba los zumos. It was an honor to put the orange robe, a symbol of his power, or introducing XUUXU mouth, a long flexible tube that sucked the juices.


Su egolatría llegó a un límite. His ego got a limit. Proyecta un grandioso plan de industrialización, tendente a dotar de Energía procedente de IUMMA (Sol) para la producción de bienes de producción, e ingentes cantidades de instrumental para la investigación, en diversas áreas de la Físico-biología. Projects a grand industrialization plan, aiming to give IUMMA Energy from (G) for the production of capital goods, and huge quantities of instruments for research in various areas of physics-biology.


Agentes (policiales) recorrían las viviendas subterráneas de todo el continente, arrancando a mujeres y varones de su hogar (en aquella época era corriente vivir en comunidades de cuarenta a ochenta OEMMII, mezcladas las YIEE con sus esposos e hijos con otros miembros de familias, residiendo juntos en una nave circular subterránea). Agents (police) walked the underground homes across the continent, starting with women and men from their home (at that time was running live in communities from forty to eighty OEMMII mixed the YIEE with their husbands and children with other family members, residing together in a circular nave underground).


Los agentes llegaban, seleccionaban al azar a los OEMMII, les despojaban de sus ropas y en gigantescos vehículos multípedos, los hacinaban con destino a sus desconocidos; para ellos, puntos de trabajo. The agents arrived, selected at random to OEMMII, they took off their clothes and vehicles multípedos giant, the overcrowded with their unknown destination for them, working points.


Durante el viaje, se les seleccionaba marcándoles un número, con tipos metálicos incandescentes, en la frente y en las nalgas, y se les proveía de una prenda que sólo les cubría hasta la cintura. During the trip, were selected by dialing a number, metal type glow on the forehead and buttocks, and were provided a garment that covered them only to the waist. Luego se pincelaba el resto del cuerpo; genitales, muslos nalgas y piernas, con una sustancia plástica transparente, dejando tan sólo los orificios que les permitieran realizar sus evacuaciones fisiológicas. Then brush the rest of the body, genitals, thighs, buttocks and legs, with a transparent plastic substance, leaving only the holes that allowed them to perform their physiological evacuations.


Uno de estos seres desgraciados fue UMMOWOA. One of these unfortunate beings was UMMOWOA. Mezclado entre multitud de GEE (varones) y YIEE (mujeres), y destinado a trabajar en la construcción de una gigantesca planta solar, en la inmensa llanura de SIIIUU. Mixed among a multitude of GEE (males) and YIEE (women), and designed to work constructing a giant solar plant, in the vast plain of SIIIUU.


Ellos tenían que excavar largas y enormes franjas de sección parabólica, que recubiertas de metal especular, sirvieran para concentrar los rayos de IUMMA y producir energía por conversión ( Nota UC: Probable error de tecleo. Debería decir “convección”) ; en circuitos líquidos. They had to dig long and huge swaths of parabolic section, which coated metal mirror, serve to concentrate the rays of IUMMA and produce energy by conversion (UC Note: Probable error of typing. Should say "convection") in liquid circuits.


Nada se sabe acerca de los progenitores de UMMOWOA. Nothing is known about the progenitors of UMMOWOA. La policía destruyó posteriormente todos los archivos que aludiesen a su familia. Police later destroyed all the files that refer to their family.


Referencias indirectas de seguidores coetáneos de su doctrina, aluden a que su Padre era ingeniero especializado en dispositivos de iluminación, y su madre profesora de zoología, o tal vez de biología general. Indirect references to contemporary followers of his doctrine, alluding to his father was an engineer specialized in lighting devices, and his mother a professor of zoology, or perhaps general biology.


Parece que tenía una hermana que fue destinada como él a una planta de obtención de SUUX (bloques porosos para almacenar líquidos), pero su hermano no volvió a contactar con sus familiares tras la brutal separación. It seems he had a sister that he was assigned as a ground for obtaining SUUX (porous blocks to store liquids), but his brother did not return to contact his family after the brutal separation. Parece que su padre se llamaba soaii (SOAII 41 hijo de ? ), pero lo más sorprendente, es que ignoramos el verdadero nombre de UMMOWOA (se le atribuyen varios, sin auténtico rigor histórico). It sounds like your father called soaii (SOAII 41 the son of?), But more surprising is that we ignore UMMOWOA's real name (he attributed several, without true historical accuracy).


Sus seguidores estaban tan convencidos acerca de su divinidad, que le llamaban simplemente UMMOWOA. His followers were so convinced about his divinity, who called him simply UMMOWOA. Como los trabajadores esclavos perdían oficialmente su nombre, sólo nos ha llegado que el número grabado en la epidermis de su frente y nalgas, era el (en número decimal): 2.332.874 As slave laborers officially lost his name, only reached us that the number engraved on the skin of his forehead and buttocks, was (in decimal): 2332874


Conocemos escasos relatos de la vida que hacían UMMOWOA y sus desgraciados hermanos, a través de una compañera suya de esclavitud, una tal YOODAA 60, que tenía grabado el número: 2.331.544 We know few stories that made life miserable UMMOWOA and brothers, through a colleague of hers from slavery, such a YOODAA 60, which was engraved with the number: 2331544


Uno de sus relatos, alude a la última época en que ya había llegado al poder WIE 1 hija de OOUUA 3. One of his stories, referring to last time when he had come to power WIE 1 daughter of OOUUA 3.


Esta, por uno de sus frívolos caprichos y para humillar a los trabajadores esclavos, había sustituido a más del setenta por ciento de los policías guardianes, por niñas de nueve a quince años terrestres de edad. This, by one of their frivolous whims and to humiliate the slave laborers, had replaced more than seventy percent of the police guards, for girls from nine to fifteen years old land.


Una tarde estaban trabajando juntos UMMOWOA y YOODAA 60 colocando grandes láminas metálicas curvadas sobre las zanjas parabólicas, cuando la niña que los vigilaba tuvo un deseo sexual y pidió a YOODAA, mujer que entonces tendría unos veintiséis años terrestres de edad, que se postrase ante ella y le realizase caricias linguales. One afternoon they were working together UMMOWOA and YOODAA 60 placing large curved metal sheets over trenches dishes, when the child she was watching had a sexual desire and requested YOODAA woman would then have about twenty Earth years old, who prostrate themselves before her and perform lingual caresses.


La trabajadora; sumisa, hizo lo que se le pedía. The worker, submissive, he did what was asked. Una negativa hubiera supuesto la muerte, acompañada de horribles torturas. A refusal would have meant death, accompanied by horrific torture.


La niña debió quedar insatisfecha del celo demostrado por la subordinada, y con su UHULAA (vara de acero provista en su extremo de agujas), comenzó a golpear bárbaramente su cuerpo indefenso. The child must have been dissatisfied zeal shown by the subordinate and his UHULAA (steel rod provided on the end of needles) began to savagely beat his helpless body.


UMMOWOA que hasta entonces había asistido a la escena impotente, corrió hacía la pareja y miró fijamente a la pequeña tirana. UMMOWOA had hitherto attended on helplessly, the couple ran over and stared at the little tyrant. Este gesto era inadmisible en aquella época, en que mirar a un superior estaba considerado como algo nefando y repulsivo, pero en aquellas circunstancias fijar la vista en el vigilante, reportaba también la muerte. This gesture was unacceptable at that time, when looking at a somewhat higher was considered heinous and repulsive, but in those circumstances stare at the guard, also reported the death.


La jovencita no pudo resistir la mirada de su esclavo, tiró la UHULAA y corrió a esconderse detrás de otros trabajadores. The girl could not resist the look of your slave, threw the UHULAA and ran to hide behind other workers. Esta niña se convertiría días después en una fiel seguidora de UMMOWOA. This child would become days after a faithful follower of UMMOWOA.


IE 456 muere asesinada en circunstancias aún no aclaradas por nuestros expertos en Historia. IE 456 are killed in circumstances that remain unexplained by our experts in history. La versión más probable es que una profesora de “técnica de mezclado de perfumes” (IAI KEAII): GOEEXOO 87 hija de GOEEXOO 82, en venganza por haber sido castigada introduciéndole las nalgas en agua hirviendo, colocó un explosivo en el ESAAVII (aposento de baños). The most likely, a teacher of technique of mixing perfumes "(IAI KEAII) GOEEXOO 87 daughter GOEEXOO 82 in revenge for being punished by introducing the buttocks in boiling water, placed an explosive in ESAAVII (chamber bathrooms). Al menos se aportaron falsas o reales pruebas de su complot. At least it provided false or actual evidence of their plot. La única víctima fue la Tirana. The only casualty was the Tirana.


Le sucedió una débil niña, su hija WIE 1, que pronto manifestó unos rasgos patológicos centrados en su crueldad, que superó en mucho a los de su progenitora. He was succeeded by a weak child, her daughter WIE 1, which quickly developed a pathological features focused on their cruelty that far surpassed those of his mother.


Su refinamiento en hacer sufrir a los súbditos esclavos, superó todo lo imaginable en UMMO. Its refinement to make the subjects suffering slaves, beat everything imaginable in Ummo.


Primero ordenó que sus heces fecales, fueran ingeridas por todos sus súbditos como signo de sumisión. First ordered their feces, were ingested by all his subjects as a sign of submission. Sus tutores aterrorizados por la imprevisible reacción de la niña si se oponían a sus deseos, le hicieron ver con explicaciones sencillas, que era imposible conseguir que una masa fecal tan reducida, pudiera distribuirse a millones de habitantes del Astro frío. Her tutors terrified by the unpredictable reaction of the child if they opposed his wishes, he made do with simple explanations, it was impossible to get a fecal mass so small, could be distributed to millions of cool Astro.


Tuvo que reunirse una comisión de servidores intelectuales para buscar una solución al problema, pues ella amenazaba con realizar un espantoso genocidio, dejando con vida tan sólo a quiénes tuvieran la fortuna de sumir su excremento. He had to meet a committee of intellectuals servers for a solution to the problem, because she threatened to make a horrific genocide, leaving alive only to who had the fortune to plunge their droppings.


Al fin se encontró la solución que la satisfizo. At last he found a solution that satisfied her.The lees of their servants, local police agents, jerarcas and all the governing social structure of the Social Network of UMMO, were mixed with a dissolution of infinitesimal gradation, in enormous amounts of water, of the depositions of the Tirana.


The dictated orders to fulfill this exigency, generated manifolds shaken between the enslaved workers, many of which were shining scientists. The brutal police drowned the revolt, killing to millares of innocents submerging its animal dung heads.


The waves of the revolt also arrived at valley SIIUU, and the police prepared itself to repress it. UMMOWOA enjoyed a great moral parent, not only between those worker-servants, but between the same guardians. He himself snatched an acoustic amplifier to one of the sicarios, and imposed silence to the numerous group of OEMMII that listened to him. Their sublime words, appeased the emotional reactions of hatred. The servants accepted the imperial orders to chew every twelve days, the humiliating lees, and jerarcas and watchmen decided a pact of silence to forget the provocations and to fail to fulfill the orders of execution and torture that had dictated to them.


UMMOWOA surrounded all the nights by hundreds of OEMMII, between which watchmen and leaders of the field even mixed themselves, who gathered with unction each TAAUU (Maxima moral) that left their organ of phonation. UMMOWOA; if there are to accept the testimony of some of its listeners, spoke with persuasive tone. Then, the proportion of OEMMII that enjoyed fonoemisivas faculties, was much more high that today, and UMMOWOA did not have atrophied their vocal cords. At that time the faculty began to be developed to issue a double message in the verbalización, but the second was poorer although equipped with rich emotional shades. UMMOWOA as soon as it used his normal faculties of transmission, that you denominate telepathic.


UMMOWOA wrote the famous WOABOOXII in transparent laminae. Unfortunately after their halting, the police seized of original and copies, and when WIE 1 ordered to destroy everything what alluded to UMMOWOA, their text was lost for always. YODAA 60 relates that the text was informed with beautiful schemes than had to be a system of relations morals between the OEMMII of the vast continent of UMMO.


But its voice through bands has arrived us from ZUUROHO (band able to record the sound optically), paradoxicalally conserved by one of jovencísimas watchmen who refused to follow the strict orders of destruction.


Spent some time, the UMMOWOA fame arrived at the same girl WIE 1, through its frightful network of vigilant spies. WIE 1, at that time had replaced great part of the adults guardians, by children approximately of their age. The training to they put under that them turned, them into crueler than the GEE (men).


WIE 1 tried to create a terrible theocratic structure, in which it arrogaba the WOA function (God, in a mythical conception), in which the hierarchy would be integrated by children of its age, the positions to subalter to us would be granted to the YIE, and the GEE exterminated: with the exception of a few stallion slaves.


But the fluctuations of emotividad in that one neuronosada youngster, prevented all coherent planning of that one monstrous genocida plan. It was enough that some of its servants committed a failure, stops after punishing it Barbarian, to hurry in dictating cruel laws against the woman. Its famous instruction that forced all the YIEE of UMMO to necessarily be pregnant women, eliminating the sterile ones, was dictated by OGIIA (supreme Jerarca of UMMO), when YAA 63, one of the servants destined to drink the urination of their supreme mistress, spilled drops of the liquid, staining the thighs of the OGIIA.


Acute tensions between the new and brutales guardianas young people, and the agents are created men what still is in the Valley. These last, faithful ones to UMMOWOA. One of these notices the sublime teacher that have issued orders to lead to him until the governing girl of the region, to interrogate to him by means of torture.


UMMOWOA flees from the valley, but the adult watchmen are reduced and tortured. Not to jeopardize those poor devils OEMMII, that one OEMMIIWOA, one appears voluntarily to the authorities of his zone.


WIE 1 had the news of their halting through IBAYAANII. (Consisting of informative post Channel that they emitted and to decode modulated light. They were high cylinders of a chromium alloy, that acted like relays of luminous signals).


History relates that the girl was in the IAIQUEAII enclosure (art to perfume), with its servants. Giving a ululante shout of joy, it immediately issued order of they skinned which it alive, to make biological investigations with his body.


The last days of their life, UMMOWOA emitted their TAAUU to their followers, by OANEEAOIYOIYOOO emission (Telepatía). Your aim you through a document meet that we sent time back to them.





[10] The cosmophyilosophycal ideas of that one time, relatively was developed. Any doctrinal body did not exist that you could identify with a Religion. But, a concept was had of WOA that presumably could be associated to the idea of God of many scholastic theologians of OYAGAA.


WOA was generating of laws. WOA was not eternal, according to that old version. It had been born, had been developed until reaching an absolute intelligence, in whose point it had dictated his laws, doing reality.


That way the star cloud would have been developed that our brothers of that one period, identified like WAAM (Universal perceivable).


Eager WOA of which the Universe also owned intelligence, later decided to create the alive beings. One thought that all of them owned UYUUIYWE (intelligence or vital spirit could be translated by), only that had it more to the OEMII developed. When human and other living ones died, their UYUUIYWE were fused in a being WOAUWI, who was like a species of vitalizador angel, whose function would be to develop the evolution of the organic beings. It did not exist cultured around these ideas, and they were accepted without too much enthusiasm, like a reasonable hypothesis of the important thing.


The ideas sent by decree, IEE 456 and of their little girl WIEE 1 of character Teocósmico, or panteísta as you would say, and like overflow directed toward identifying the cruel sovereigns, with WOA, were not taken in serious by anybody, except at the outset by the students who received a rigid education in this sense. Nobody dared in public to contradict them, because WIE 1 had even decreed that who denied his divinity, outside exposed naked in a transparent sphere.


On the other hand, they did not exist preceding of OEMMII that were had bold to identify themselves with WOA. Our ancestors, when knowing the surprising taumatúrgico fact, for them, of the UMMOWOA disappearance, thought that WOA had been incarnated to contradict the blasphemous affirmation of the two tyrants.





[11] Many of the related experiences of Jesus in the neotestamentary context, is pure legend, when weakly reflected nonversions and strongly dislocated of the reality. The intense impact that generated its sudden disappearance, surrounded by I haul supernatural its life, and the slings of this I pull ahead illuminated vulgar aspects of its passage by Palestinian earth, turning them into wonderful events. For example: the version of which there was dead, spread on purpose to elude the persecution of the authorities, but related successive versions by the apologists, it became a miraculous resurrection.





[12] Many of these first Christian communities, was a wonderful model of Social Network, based on landlords morals. A community of goods stayed, and the members, remembering always the venerated image of the sublime teacher Jesus, took to the practice their high lessons. It did not matter that the doctrine was vitiated already by an historical mitificación of the life of the teacher. The important thing is that a life regime practiced among them, that by the data that we own, was resembled the ethical bases that govern the customs of our UMMO.


For that reason it has been to us huge seductive, the style of the western civilization of OYAGAA. It was not because in its sine the scientific rationalism from the thought forms was forged helenas, nor because consequently the nations of that area have reached a level of economic well-being in agreement with the consequent automation and its planning mentality.


Either by its forms of religious ideology. In fact the religion structured in the Christianity, much less presents/displays an imaginative theology that Hinduism, the buddhism and other exotic forms of the thought transcendentalist.


What is, therefore, the reason that in principle we praised/poured off our interest towards that segment of the Social Network? Simply, still the incomprehensible resistances that could be described as “brutales”, observed in the communities with religion of judeocristiano origin.


If we confined ourselves to the catholicism, it turns out amazing to analyze like have coexisted in him OEMMII, whose norms of conduct have been in force by the most sublimated moral law, able in good condition to give his life of his brothers, with his more brother fanatics than in the name of Jesus, they have arrived at the limits of more abject cruelty. It is not a secret for you, who within the framework of that institutionalized religion, the pages of their history are impregnated of blood and suffering, for which they did not think like them, and of kindness and charity. You would say that the catholicism is a saga of demons and angels.


A study done by us, throws a very negative balance. The phenomenon connected with the church, has made more damage than well to the humanity of OYAGAA. It has restrained the development of Science and of the Culture, it has yugulado the anxiety of emancipation of the conditions of poverty and slavery.


It is not necessary that we remember many black pages to them.


In his first times, the communities of some cities, were an authentic model of ethical behavior, and Christians of many groups, underwent terrible persecution, cruel tortures, giving honest testimony by their FAITH.


But the constantinismo, annihilated the last vestiges of a Social Network based on communitarian and ethical principles.


Most serious it is not than her organization was structured under the myth of the primate of Pedro, hierarchizing and conforming her doctrine by means of dogmas. What truly it corrupted to the Church, it was the temporary power and the paranoiac ideas of his jerarcas and theologians.


The old myth of the demon, plagiarized from the Biblical pages of other ancestral religions of OYAGAA, was assumed with great intensity by the thinkers of this institution, because nefanda allowed them to justify any conduct. Thus millares is persecuted to poor women in number of several, accusing them to cohabit with “Satán”, in a nauseous persecution that distribute to catholics and Christian protestants during the blackest centuries of their history.


All the murders committed by the fanatics (Night of San Bartholomew, murders of the Gironda, genocide of the priest Before Palevic in collaboration with the Nazis, Spanish death of Dark brown Giordano, tortures and pro-Franco crimes, horrible tortures of the Argentine military supported by the catholic hierarchy…), they have been justified by the moral of the Church, under the base of which the victims tried (in collaboration with forces inspired by the diabolic power) to subvert the settled down order.


That Church, therefore, is guilty to pervert the message of Jesus, to discredit it, and therefore to prevent a process of sensitisation of the Social Network that allows him to follow the UAA.


When OEMMII kind, noble and eager to follow the doctrine pure of Jesus, have tried from the same sine of the Church, to reform it; the system, or has created an antiseptic barrier to isolate them, it has eliminated or them cleanly.


You could select many examples. Francisco de Asís, Juan XXIII, the archbishop Rosemary, the founders of the theological doctrine of the Liberation, and the incredible case of its brother Luciani Salt lake (Juan Pablo I), assassinated with a double capsule of botulínico agent and potassium cyanide, when he glided to demand account to the people in charge of finances, and to raise its new plan to them (blue Folder. S/655 document “Fine paucis”) of deep economic reform.


The ingenuous hopes of which a structure vitiated in its origin could undergo a conversion, pring-date themselves to the primitive sources of the gospel, already have observed their brothers that have dissolved after the sparkle of the Council the Vatican II. The Pontiff Juan Pablo II, has been in charge to abort it. The anticlerical ones must be very thanked for their person. In few years it has made more damage to his Church, that all atheistic enemies.





[13] The sampling that we have been able to realise in different well-known Stars cold, shows to a profile-type of OEMMIIWOA corresponding to both sexes, extroverso, loquacious, but little inclined to establish intimate and sexual affective relations. It is certain that it tried although it, the results serian negative, given the characteristics of its chromosomal baggage. Probably its sexual inhibition constitutes a powerful defensive system of B.B., against the risk of an excessive proliferation.


In the delayed phases of a humanity, in which numerous OEMMIIWOA arise, the fecundatorios mechanisms among them, become almost inoperative, take place collective social phenomena in which millares of OEMMII meets to meditate deeply, arriving itself at so intense an emotional state in magnitude, that all of them “disappear right away”.


The procreation is almost nonexistent on the other hand, until the point which the rate of “disappearance” called by us ASNEIIBIAEDOO exceeds to a great extent to the one mutations OISIOOWOA added to the one rare births of the new species. The Social Network of that inhabited star, tends therefore to be extinguished in few hundreds of terrestrial years.


We want to emphasize to them that the cold stars who reach that final stage, do not arrive at least at the 0.002 percent. They are true biological peculiarities in the WAAM-WAAM.





[14] Although the death of Jesus turned in documents of the New Testament officially admitted by the Christian Churches, is the historical fraction that undergoes less deformations, the reality of the succession of facts keeps numerous discrepancies with the narrations transcribed in those sacred texts for you.


The true social life of Jesus, begins when this OEMMIWOA, in company of some shepherds of the neighborhoods of Nazaret, approaches the group of Esenios that followed Juan the Bautizador. Jesus kindly follows the word of this leader. Many of their harangues approached the ethical conceptions of Jesus ideologically. But this, it discovers to the aim great discrepancies and one faces the teacher publicly. This it perceives worried that the rhetoric of the disciple, snatches to many of her followers and fears with reason a serious schism in her rows in which that dark galileo, could snatch almost all the thickness to him of the group.


Juan reacts with violence, anatemiza to Jesus he expels and it from his rows. Great part of its those in favor chooses to follow the new leader.


Jesus does not let itself take by the resentment. Guard, whatsoever, a nostalgic memory of the Bautizador and crosses Galilea recruiting following that sees secretly in the future jerarca of Judea, the anointed one by God.


Jesus is attracted members of Sanhedrin. These are capable, powerful and rich. It seduces to them plus the great power of suggestion of the new teacher, his huge eloquence, that the ethical-ideological content of its messages. One of them: Jonan even glides to give a blow in Sanhedrin and to eliminate the extreme Priest. Perhaps to proclaim its teacher.


Probably OYAAGAAWOA ignores such conspiracies, although one of documents obtained by my brothers, contains a text del that seems to be deduced that Jesus reprimands to the followers confabulados with this idea, he corrects and them severely.


But the rumors that Jesus is considered like Mesías, the anointed one like future Jewish King, trouble to jerarcas. The news that in the rows of its followers deed a plot, them alarm totally.


It is accused to him from the field of his enemies to practice magic against Jehovah, to adore false idols, to conspire against the established power, of being an imposter who proclaims Mesías; mixtificando interpretations of sacred books (Old Testament).


Joshua (corno called to him in Galilea), is noticeable already to choose the suitable moment to destroy it. Of all the men who by Palestinian earth lead popular movements of religious character, being against to the established system, Joshua (Jeschuaah) that is: Jesus, is most dangerous.


At that time he had been named solicitor, on the part of Rome; in Judea, Poncio Pilato under the intrigues of Lucio Elio Sejano, minister of Tiberio, a human who hated to the distant Roman province of Judea and to which had arrived the news from the turbulences that were developed in the popular classes.


For Lucio; Pilato, was the guarantee of which iron discipline would prevail.


Poncio Pilato, arrives at Judea and stops to reside in Caesarean. The legionaries are transferred to the same Jerusalem, and he himself fixed its residence in the city santa.


Those were the same followers of Jesus that animate to this a to realise their proselytism in Jerusalem. Probably, with the secret hope to incite to rebellion to the citizens against hated ROME. In this point, the tensions of the teacher with levantiscos, are continuous. The spirits were very raised in Jerusalem since the legionaries entered by the narrow streets of the large city with medallions that took in relief the efigie of Tiberio Emperor. The Jews detested the iconographic representations, prohibited by the mosaic law. From the tile roofs, they sent stones against the soldiers and these brutally repressed the insurgents.


Sanhedrin is anxious. Some of theirs are with Jesus. The spies of Poncio Pilato inform to him on the risk of revolts, if Jesus continues directing the word to the native ones of the Capital. The legend of Judas, has a real foundation. The Romans had mixed with the followers of Jesus, agents who informed about the words of the teacher. Those were these that advised about the most suitable moment to catch to him.


In order to avoid the repeated attempts of those jerarcas, directed toward jailing to Jesus, many of their followers had formed a armed follower. Jesus appeared in scent of multitude in his spiritual harangues, and the authorities yes feared serious disorders in those circumstances would come to their halting.


It does not seem to have the smaller historical foundation the episode of the orchard of Getsemaní, that is an addition subsequent to the story Neotestamentario. The documents in our power are not agreed either on the circumstances of this capture. The text Most trustworthy writing by one of its numerous followers, a certain Joram, describes to its teacher like surrounded by eighteen followers, between men and women, in house of one of the members of Sanhedrin, disciple his (of Zhacar name, or perhaps this outside son of the advisor). It is immediately after the food of, when afternoon legionary from Rome, envoys there by the information of the treasonous agents to Jesus, come to his halting.


Zhacar accompanies Jesus. The strict orders are to give it to the Jewish religious authority. Zhacar and other advisors of Sanhedrin discuss violently, with their companions. The split of the Council threatens seriously fisurar the religious Authority that prevails to the Temple. It is indeed what wishes Poncio Pilato in its strategy to divide to the Jews.


The Extreme Priest, anticipates the danger and orders to give to the Roman authority to the criminal, to get rid of a man whose single presence threatens to crack the endeble Jewish structure.


Poncio wishes to humiliate to Jesus before the town of Jerusalem, to demonstrate to them that it is not the Mesías, the envoy of God. It begins to castrate it, cauterizing the wound later. Those are legionary Romans that are in charge of the tortures of the criminal. They dress it woman, they cover the genital wound with false hair and show his body the crowds. These make fun of cruel of that one exhausted man and almost vanished by the blows.


Somebody places in the head a cylinder to him of overwhelm with hawthorn needles, crowning it like “king”. Tired to play with a body that undergoes an acute shock, its crucifixion is decided.


Jesus is taken indeed to the Gólgota, but not with other two criminals, but with five. He sixth would be sacrificed that one day.


Members of Sanhedrin operate meanwhile in the shade. They gain with money the Roman official in charge to execute the condemned. They are disciples of the Teacher and must be able and influences. That one night, both legionary that is on the duty, they let pass to three excellent disciples and two women, who sigilosamente rescue the almost dying body of Jeschuaah. It has been impossible to determine the identity to us of such YIEE. We still ignore if the OYAAGAAWOA mother lived in that one date and were even one of the women who helped to raptar to the Teacher. All the “mythical history” of the intervention of Maria in the period of the crucifixion, is a very later text addition. It could be simple invention, but we also did not discard that it was based on an oral tradition, more or less deformed.


The news that sigilosamente kept the rescued body was alive, before the rest of the followers. The promen of Sanhedrin, knew that he among them were spy agents, and feared so much the reaction of the insensitive enemy companions of the Sanhedrin of the Prophet, like the one of Poncio solicitor, who to feel deceived, had throughout looked for the “rebel” Jesus.


The legend of which the disciples were reduced to twelve, already is clarified by us. To my brothers the contradiction had surprised them that supposed the version that Jesus was accompanied of so few followers with the fact that a group supposedly so reduced, woke up so serious fears to Sanhedrin and the Romans. The archaeological documents shortages by us, shed sufficient light on the subject.


The myth was developed later, when twelve of their followers form the sect of Jerusalem, opposed to the Christian helenistas. Those arrogan the merit of to be chosen especially by Jesus.


The reality is that within the numerous set of acolytes, the tensions derived from the different interpretations from the ideas expressed by the Teacher, were very serious. The crucifixion and the falsified news of their death, generated the division in four groups, one of them commanded by Pedro, Santiago son of Zebedeo, and Juan, that were three of the seven smaller leaders chosen by Jesus to organize to their followers.


The group of Jerusalem, also develops the myth of the treason of Judas Iscariote. This era next to Pedro and other five disciples, one of the most active subleaders, but discrepant one of the criteria of Pedro. Judas not only appears in writings of the time as it frees of any fault, but commands with many of its those in favor a revolt in the streets of Jerusalem against the enemy crowds of Jewish Jesus and jerarcas, while other followers of Jesus, among them Pedro, flee and they hide. The calumny developed in the caves of Jerusalem years later, reaches appearances of probability by the verified fact of the existence of agents paid by Rome and the Extreme Priest in the rows of the Teacher.


Judas Iscariote (its name is correct), was human of the humble town; enemy of the rich disciples of Jesus, between whom were promen of Sanhedrin. When the entrance of Jesus and its those in favor in Jerusalem, its group encamped in the orchard of Getsemaní. Afternoon of the capture of Jesus, it was not in the house where the last food was realised. The successive stories of the facts happened in those hours, fuéronse mixing and deforming successively until creating the legend of a Jesus praying in the orchard of Getsemaní. An emissary arrives at the store of Judas with the news of the arrest of the Teacher. This harangue to their followers and comes to invade the side streets of the City, while Jesus is tortured Barbarian. Judas is catched, beaten and its hung corpse. The remaining subleaders leave the capital sigilosamente.


Just arrived at OYAGAA, my brothers the hypothesis that elaborated Jesus is a true OEMMIIWOA, as therefore has been confirmed, but thought that his ASNEEIIBIAEDOO erroneously (disappearance by opposite effect), could be realised at the time of his death in the cross, so that the later story of the resurrection, outside a legend mitificada in gospels. As you see, a later analysis in view of the obtained documentation, dissolves this hypothesis.


We feel to differ, therefore, of the different historiográficas schools developed by its Earth brothers. The mythological school, some of whose historians they developed an excellent work in the Soviet Union, is not right when denying the existence of Jesus.


The historical school represented by its brothers Renan, Loisy, Staton, Bultmann… approaches the reality somewhat, but to lack documentary data, it struggles between shades. The school represented by the historians connected with the church, is totally discredited, in as much tended to develop to one pseudo cristológica history text based that the same rigorous critic of you, considers plagued of mythical elements.


All brothers of the different tendencies, animated of excellent good Faith, but devoid from sufficient information, struggle between lacerantes doubts. Our contributions are not going to release to them of them, inasmuch as we refused to present the evidence that we own. To do would suppose it to see us forced we identified like OEMII of UMMO.





[15] Although the ideological surroundings of those humans was plagued of superstitious ideas on the magical powers of prophets and wizards, the people did not reach to observe actually, more than ingenuous luck of elementary ilusionismo. The instantaneous disappearance of a human being to total light, had to surprise to them deeply.





[16] Juan the Bautizador, plays a very important historical role in the OYAGAAWOA life (Jesús). He was a little while sad and dramatic for the Jewish town under the subjugation of the Roman pagans, who ideologically were much more slow that the yahavistas monotheists.


Time back, had begun the ancestry of jerarcas Herodes calls, towards which the town felt hatred and loathing. Herodes son of Antíphatro, had been offered servilely to Octavio in Rome, and disembarked in Judea with its followers, winning finally to the defenders of Jerusalem, imposing the new Sanhedrin headed by new Extreme Aristóbulos Priest, young person relative of Herodes, and proclaiming King of Judea with the support of Rome.


The high class supported, because Herodes to him educated in Rome, it planned the Country intelligently, and it initiated an era of new constructions based on Roman architectonic techniques.


But the popular layers felt hatred towards him. They considered a traitor that had sold the ethnic group of proud tradition, to the invading Barbarians of the itálica peninsula.


They began to arise, anxious and rebellious years later, men, with neuropsíquica mind of leaders, who appeared like prophets, preaching the time end, interpreted in the light of sacred books.


Juan was most intelligent and famous among them. They followed fanatical, esenios and Samaritan followers to him.


In those days, a descendant of “Herodes son of Antiphatro” Herodes Antipas; habladurías of farmers, shepherds exacerbated, craftsmen and fishermen. That one had decided to be united in nuptials with its sexual niece. The intensely puritana mosaic law, considered east incestuoso event, like nefando and execrable. Juan the Bautizador, he animated to that wished to listen to him, to purify its body in the water, to organize a revolt against jerarcas damn by Jehovah, and to pass them to knife.


Between the primitive followers of Juan, he was Jesus. This one had felt seduced by the purest ideas preached by his Teacher, that exhorted to a return towards one more a purer life and a faithful interpretation, towards the mosaic law.


Jesus was an intelligent being much more who Juan; equipped with more powerful a persuasive capacity. Many of the followers of the Teacher, focused their attention towards the young subleader. Jesus publicly was against Juan, when this he begins to preach the murder of Jewish Herodes and others jerarcas. Juan reacts, expelling it from his rows, and Jesus takes with him to very many followers.



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